Improving Your Switch Wifi Connection
Do this at your own risk. MTU and DMZ can be set separately. DMZ can be substituted for port forwarding but Nintendo wants so many ports forwarded it's almost pointless to do so.
Set MTU to 1500
- Go to System Settings.
Click Internet and then Internet Settings.
Select the network currently active.
Choose to Change Settings and highlight the MTU option.
Change the number to 1500.
Set your Switch to a Static IP
Static IP is where you give your switch an IP address that doesn’t change. Typically it changes every time it makes a connection to your router. It’s necessary to give it a specific address to add it to a DMZ or forward ports.
On a PC or smart device - Using a device on your network (PC, laptop, smart device, etc.), locate the following network information:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
This, as an example, can be done by opening a command prompt on a windows computer (type cmd into the windows search bar) and use the command ipconfig /all and hit enter. Those values will be on the list.
On the Nintendo Switch console
From the Advanced Settings page of your network connection's settings, select IP Address Settings.
Select Manual.
Select IP Address and then hold down the B Button to delete the existing IP address (it defaults to zeros).
Enter the IP address you found on the network device, but add 30 to the last section of digits, and then select OK.
As an example, if your computer's IP address displays as, enter on the Nintendo Switch.
Important: Every device on a network must have a different, unique IP address. The router will hand out IP addresses in order. The first device to connect will get, then .3, then .4, etc… Making the IP 30 higher than your computer ensures you pick a unique IP as long as there are not 30 devices on your network.
Select Subnet Mask, and then press the B Button to delete the existing subnet mask.
Enter in the subnet mask as it appears in your network settings, and then select OK.
For most networks, the subnet mask is
Primary DNS is typically the same as your default gateway. You can set secondary DNS to
Select Gateway, and then press the B Button to delete the existing gateway.
Enter in the default gateway as it appears in your network settings, and then select OK.
Setting up a DMZ in your router
Login to your router
Each router is different but typically it’s the default gateway from the previous step.
Type those numbers into a web browser. I.E. Open chrome and type in “” into the address bar and hit enter.
Should prompt for your username and password
If it’s default, you may be able to look up “make/model default login password” and get the password. It’s usually something like admin/admin or admin/password by default. Every router is different. You may need to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) if it was provided from your ISP and you are having difficulties.
Navigate to the DMZ option in your router
Each router is different. It’s likely under advanced setup and under WAN or networking somewhere. Google your routers make/model and “DMZ” to find it.
Set the static IP you setup on your switch to the DMZ and enable it. Save/apply the settings